Challenge Technology has been the world leader in respirometic equipment for 30 years.
BPA-800 Biomethane Potential Analyzer
BPA-800S Soil/Compost Biomethane Potential Analyzer
Aggregate Specific Gravity & Absorption
Challenge Technology is the world leader in manufacturing of respirometric measuring equipment. Our materials testing equipment will soon be the standard for the transportation materials industry.
For over 23 years, Challenge Technology has provided the highest quality respirometers available for testing in wastewater treatment and other fields which use respirometry to gain an understanding of biological processes.
Challenge Technology ships all over the world, with sales representatives in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Japan, China, Hungary, and India.
When you choose a Challenge Technology Respirometer System, you get the benefits of our 23 plus years of experience. We work tirelessly to support our customers and work with them to insure their success.
Challenge Technology
Case Studies
Case Studies for Industrial Wastewater Treatment Assessments
These case studies summarize the performance of Challenge systems in efficacy & precision tests.
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Case Studies
Case Studies for Industrial Wastewater Treatment Assessments
These case studies summarize the performance of Challenge systems in efficacy & precision tests.
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